Quellcode Tabelle sd_mandant

Das DB-Objekt selbst

create table "demoadm".sd_mandant
    mandant char(2),
    mandant_typ char(1),
    mandant_name char(30),
    mandant_bez char(30)
  ) extent size 12 next size 16 lock mode row;

Abhängige Objekte, Rechte

create unique index "demoadm".ix_sd_mandant on "demoadm".sd_mandant
grant select on "demoadm".sd_mandant to "public" as "demoadm";
grant update on "demoadm".sd_mandant to "public" as "demoadm";
grant insert on "demoadm".sd_mandant to "public" as "demoadm";
grant delete on "demoadm".sd_mandant to "public" as "demoadm";
grant index on "demoadm".sd_mandant to "public" as "demoadm";

HTML-Autor: Rohloff, Datenbank: demodb, Datenstand: 31.05.00 17:07